Axios ChinCOVID: They Are So Full of Shit

Typical ChinCOVID [mis]reporting. I’m not even going to do Axios the favor of linking to this crap.

Coronavirus cases rise by 40%

“New coronavirus infections jumped by 40% over the past week.”
“Not a single state saw an improvement.”

Turrible, innit?

Look what Worldometer shows. Johns Hopkins uses the same fake dataset, but WM displays it better.

And they claim Georgia has 413,894 total cases.

Bull shit. Georgia only reports 377,694 total cases, and only 4, FOUR new cases for November 11, as opposed to the mythical 2,242 new cases Worldometer invented.

Those lying motherfuckers are adding in antigen positive tests. The antigen test is abso-fucking-lutely not ChinCOVID-specific. It will pop positive for an entire range of known human coronaviruses, which is exactly why Georgia does not include them in ChinCOVID positives. Georgia quite properly treats antigen tests as a screening tool, not a diagnostic tool. Antigen tests are fast and cheap, so Georgia screens with them, and gives anyone who tests positive the slower and more expensive PCR test which — mostly — is ChinCOVID-specific.

Per Georgia DPH:

This number represents confirmed cases only, defined as an individual with a positive molecular test. Only molecular test results are used in identifying confirmed cases.

Georgia did report 1,673 cases that day, but only the 4 were NEW cases. The rest were backlogged results only now being reported. In fact, Georgia (and other states) are updating numbers for at least as far back as July 6.

I’m getting sick — NPI — of dishonest SOBs trying to drive panic by misreporting cases-by-date-of-REPORT as “NEW.” And now adding in non-specific antigen tests.

EVERY state I’ve checked, that separates numbers by Date of ONSET vs. Date of Report, shows the same thing. This has been known for months, so there’s no honest excuse for lying about the surge in “new” cases.

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Fauci Has Jumped the ChinCOVID Shark

Get this: COVID-19 vaccines won’t prevent COVID -19. Assuming this is being reported accurately.

Fauci: Early Vaccines Only Stop Illness, Won’t Stop Spread
Dr. Anthony Fauci says early vaccines for the novel coronavirus will only prevent symptoms, not block the virus.

“The primary thing you want to do is that if people get infected, prevent them from getting sick, and if you prevent them from getting sick, you will ultimately prevent them from getting seriously ill,” Fauci said at Yahoo Finance’s All Markets Summit on Monday.

Bull fucking shit.

vaccine: suspension of weakened, killed, or fragmented microorganisms or toxins or of antibodies or lymphocytes that is administered primarily to prevent disease.

A vaccine can confer active immunity against a specific harmful agent by stimulating the immune system to attack the agent. Once stimulated by a vaccine, the antibody-producing cells, called B cells (or B lymphocytes), remain sensitized and ready to respond to the agent should it ever gain entry to the body.

I wasn’t planning to be an early vaccinator anyway. I’ve seen too many cases where early versions had problems that only showed up when widespread vaccinations started; stuff that didn’t turn up during tests, or production errors that changed the vaccine. I was going to wait to see.

But if these fucking morons are planning to approve a “vaccine” that does not confer some degree of immunity, but only prevent symptoms, then I am not going to get it at all.

Fucking quack.

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ChinCOVID: Then and Now

Here’s an interesting paper: COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective

I’ve mentioned that the CDC has issued ChinCOVID guidance that allows deaths to be ICD-10 coded (U07.1) as death by ChinCOVID even if the person tested negative for the virus, leading to ChinCOVID causing motorcycle crashes, gun shots, surgical complications,alcohol poisoning, and more. That paper looks at how, why, and what the CDC guidance happened, and the results of the change.

Aside from a peculiar reference to “SARS-CoV-2” in 2005, which suspect was a rogue spellchecker at work since the 2005 outbrak was SARS-CoV, this seem accurate enough. Much of it is sstuff I’ve confirmed before.

I’ll just show you one graphic from the paper. It is a comparison of ChinCOVID deaths under the current guidance, and under the guidance that the United States used for 17 years until ChinCOVID became the handy tool for totalitarians.

Draw your own conclusions.

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While I’m talking about ChinCOVID reporting accuracy…

I ran down why the ChinCOVID media reports are BS regarding the surge in cases, but I want to address another aspect.

ChinCOVID deaths; just how many?

Per Johns Hopkins, and Worldometer, as of this writing, there have been 229,292; with Georgia specifically accounting for 7,766. I’m using Worldometer as the example because while they use the same data as JH, they display it better.

For once, the state of Georgia agrees with their total. It’s when they happened that Georgia and Worldometer differ on. Worldometer (and JH) report when deaths were reported to the state Department of Public Health as the date of death; that is false. And it causes the graph to show a slower decline (and even increases in daily deaths even though in Georgia daily deaths have been steadily dropping since early August; that’s two and a half months of decline.

Oddly enough, the CDC says there were only 209,568 US deaths actually coded as ChinCOVID. Except when they claim (carefully not mentioning actual ICD-10 codes) 222,447. But then the CDC claims 207,882. (And I’ve got another post coming about that.)

But the 7,766 Georgia deaths? The CDC puts that number at 6,631 with an ICD-10 code of U07.1* for ChinCOVID.

Go through your own state numbers, especially if you’re in one of the Midwest states where the doom-mongers claim there is a major surge. If your state is only reporting “Date of Report,” hit them with a demand for a list/graph/spreadsheet showing date of death. Find out what the reality is (or as close as you can get).

* It’s worth noting that a death can be coded U07.1 even if the person tested negative for ChinCOVID. Welcome to the world of bullshit reporting to drive fear.

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The ChinCOVID “Surge”

To hear the doom-mongering media tell it, we’re all going to die of ChinCOVID. Again. There’s another surge. Specifically some 71,600 new cases on Thursday, October 22.


While Complete Bull Shit (CBS) cites Johns Hopkins, I’m going to use Worldometer; by comparison both seem to be using the same garbage dataset, but Worldometer has 1) better visualization and 2) a lot less strain on the CPU (JH seeems to think a script is no good unless you can brew a pot of coffee on your processor).

For 10/22, Worldometer reported 74,466 “Daily New Cases” in the US. For Georgia specifically, it claims 2,224 “Daily New Cases.”

The state of Georgia begs to differ. As of 10/23, Georgia reported 1,824 cases on 10/22. Whoa… somehow Worldometer (and JH) found 400 more cases than did the state. (Note that these numbers will have some mismatch because Georgia revises their numbers everyday to reflect tests finally getting reported to DPH: more on that later.)

But wait. That state 1,824 number is how many positives were finally reported to DPH on that date; it is not the number of new cases on that date.

The number of new cases in Georgia on October 22 was… 123.

Worldometer/JH/CBS have inflated the numbers for Georgia by 2,101. That’s just one state, which I track because I live here. How many other state numbers did they inflate by several hundred percent?

Georgia reported 1,701 cases above the 123 10/22 cases; when did those occur? Who TF knows? Those are late reported tests, but unless you’re tracking changes for specific dates, you don’t know exactly.

As it happens, I have been tracking one date: July 6, 2020. That is the date of peak new daily cases in Georgia. It stands out, and a month ago, I noticed some thing strange about it. Yes, it does change as backlogged tests get reported, but the number doesn’t just go up.

Sometimes it goes down. Even now, three and a half months later.

On 9/19, DPH claimed 5,820 new cases that day. By 10/12, it worked its way up — two steps forward, one step back; sometimes rising, sometimes dropping, but trending upwards — to 5,842.

By 10/23, it had dropped to 5,818.

Now let’s look at deaths. This gets to be real fun.

Worldometer claims 903 US deaths on 10/233, with Georgia accounting for 37 of those. And by “Date of Report” Georgia did report 37 deaths. But they didn’t happen on 10/23. If you look at “Date of Death”, we had a massive surge of…

0 (zero, null, nada, zip) deaths on 10/23. Ditto for the day prior, 10/22. Going back to 10/21, we had 6. For that date, Worldometer claimed: 30; inflated 5 times.

The best I can say is that Worldometer (and JH and CBShit) are using “Date of Report.” That is absolutely useless in tracking the progress of an epidemic. This is why:

Here is Georgia’s cases by bureaucratic data of report.

That’s helpful for bureaucrats trying to figure out who is reporting in a timely manner, and who isn’t; and for scumbag media trying to induce perpetual panic. If that chart is all you looked at, and no one told you it was “Date of Report,” you’d think Georgia was surging again. Compare that to the chart graphing new cases by “Date of Onset” (the date the test was done, not eventually reported).

Well, how ’bout that? Doesn’t look much something to panic over, does it? But I’ll pretend hear you say, “But what about the hump peaking in early October? Doesn’t that mean something?”

Yes, it does. Let’s look at yet another chart. This is total testing, by date of test. Not positive cases, but the number of all PCR tests, positive or negative, each day.

Notice that humps in cases coincides with humps in testing. In fact, every discontinuity in new cases correlates with a surge or decrease in testing. Check your state; I’ll bet you’ll find a similar correlation.

Take a look at one last graph. This one is the percent of positive tests for each day.

A little explanation is in order. At the beginning of this shitshow, you had to have ChinCOVID-type symptoms to get tested at all. So if you’re only testing those likely to have the illness, then your percent positive rate is going to be relatively high. This makes perfectly good sense for diagnosis, but it seriously skews the results if your goal is tracking the progress of an epidemic.

But a week or two after Georgia’s lockdown was lifted, mid-May, PCR testing was opened up for anyone who wanted it, no symptoms required. And as the weeks went by, they opened up more and more free testing locations. That’s why you see a surge in testing,but the percent positive never again resembles the beginning portion of the “pandemic.”

Percent positive — based on testing anyone — peaked in early July — just peak new cases — and has been dropping ever since. Just news daily cases has been dropping.

Despite the lockdown lifting, no mask mandate (and damned few people wearing them), businesses reopening, schools reopening… despite folks in Georgia mostly trying to live a normal life, the “pandemic” is ending. There is no second surge here.

ChinCOVID deaths in Georgia peaked in early August (which makes sense; they got sick in the early July case peak, and finally died), and have been declining ever since.

Locally, in my county, we did have a late September/early October surge, but that was attributable to a single nursing home that — rumor has it — made some medically insane administrative decisions guaranteed to sicken and kill the vulnerable. If what I heard about that is true, someone in admin should face negligent homicide charges at the very least.

Stick a fork in ChinCOVID; it’s done, in Georgia. Probably in your state, too.

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Tell me again how masks save lives.

The CDC released an interesting study, Community and Close Contact Exposures Associated with COVID-19 Among Symptomatic Adults ≥18 Years in 11 Outpatient Health Care Facilities — United States, July 2020. This part in particular got my attention:

Reported use of cloth face covering or mask 14 days before illness onset
Never: 3.9%
Rarely: 3.9%
Sometimes: 7.2%
Often: 14.4%
Always: 70.6%

So much for masks. I’m in the “rarely” category and if I got ChinCOVID, I never even noticed.

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Here’s a question for Kamala Harris

The Barrett SCOTUS confirmation hearings have begun. On the Dem side, 87 year-old Dianne Feinstein and 75 year-old Dick Durbin are among those in attendance.

55 year-old (32 years younger than Feinstein) Kamala Harris is refusing to attend except “remotely” because she thinks CHinCOVID makes it too dangerous to be there. Which is a bit odd since the CDC says for her age, the CHinCOVID Infection Fatality Rate is just 0.005. For comparison the seasonal flu averages 0.1. Frankly, unless you have a pretty serious underlying medical condition that ChinCOVID can aggravate, Harris’ odds of serious illness — much less death — from SARS-CoV-2 are pretty damned low.

Now, I figure she’s most likely just grandstanding, but…

Does she have an undisclosed medical condition?

In recent days, I’ve seen Democrats, Republicans, and independents pushing idea that, if the Biden/Harris ticket wins, they’re going to swear the pair in, then remove Biden using the 25th Amendment. The fact that both of them have publicly referred to the “Harris administration” certainly supports such speculation.

We hear talk about Trump’s health, and Biden’s health. I think it’s fair for Harris to release the results of a medical checkup.

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U07.1 is the ICD-10 code for death by SARS-CoV-2; ChinCOVID. Or maybe ChimCOVID. Or, “Well, it could’ve been ChinCOVID.”

Through an interesting coincidental confluence of news reports on COVID deaths in my area, an obituary, and DPH ChinCOVID reports, I discovered an odd little detail. One of our recent deaths was in a area nursing home…

…where he was on hospice. You know: end of life care. Because he was already dying of something else.


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ChinCOVID Kills The Most Vulnerable

Let’s lead with the good news. This is what the new daily cases graph (by date of onset) looks like in Georgia.

That peak is July 6; three months ago. As you can see, new cases are dropping like a flamed out F-4 Phantom.* The state lifted its lockdown May 1st. Around here, the only people you ever saw wearing masks were folks with co-morbidities obvious to the average eye, those in stores requiring masks, and damned near no one else.

To date, I personally know exactly one person who who tested positive. That person recovered months ago, and no else in that household ever popped positive.

The bad news is unconfirmed rumors I’ve heard about a long term care facility in my county. Most of the details can’t be confirmed without — probably — violating HIPAA, so I won’t repeat the shocking claims. But the state’s Long-Term Care Facility COVID-19 Report is certainly suggestive.

Residents: 44
COVID-positive Residents: 32
Resident COVID Deaths: 7
Residents Recovered: 27
COVID-positive Staff: 39

Whatever the truth of the rumors, ChinCOVID is clearly out of control in there. I didn’t log the numbers before, but the last time I looked at the report, I think deaths were at four.

The fact is, my entire county has logged 16 ChinCOVID deaths, and seven of them came out of one single 44-resident facility. I strongly suspect the state DPH is watching this facility very closely now; an investigation is certainly warranted, in my view. From the beginning of this “pandemic” until late September, the county had kept deaths down to ten. Suddenly we surged with seven more. Cross referencing the COVID-19 Status Report with the LTCF Report, I think those seven were this facility (again suggestive, not conclusive).

Another suggestive data point is that only people people under the age of sixty have died of ChinCOVID in my county (as of 10/3/2020). Nine deaths were 80+ years-old. Suppose seven of those were in a nrsing home?

* Those were still in service when I was in the Air Force, and the morbid observation/joke was that they had the glide ratio of an aerodynamic brick without the engines. But… damn; watching them take off at dusk with afterburners was cool.

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Trump ChinCOVID

Have you noticed that a lot of the same people claiming that Trump is faking having ChinCOVID (for sympathy/distraction/whatever) are the ones also claiming that Trump is endangering Secret Service agents by riding in the SUV for that public appearance at Walter Reed? How’s that work?

Also, per Walter Reed folks, both Trump and all personnel involved in the appearance were wearing PPE. So we also have a lot of the same people insisting everyone must wear a mask or we’re all gonna die…

…saying that masks — on all parties — won’t protect anyone.

How’s that work?

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