I Think This “Don’t Say Gay” BS Lawsuit Is Going To Backfire

A bunch of damned-near-self-admitted groomers and their pseudo-parental enablers have filed a lawsuit to overturn Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill. It was filed in the federal Northern District of Florida, so I’m guessing if it goes to trial the groomers are going to get their asses handed to them.

These morons have watched too much Disney (and television commercials) where 80% of the American population would appear to be LGBTQXYZLMNOP-WTF. I do believe they’re going to be shocked to discover that most folks are sane.

The filing is 80 pages of But how I am supposed to teach 5yos about their sexuality, How do I discuss the meaning of a lesbian first-grader’s literature essay on how she came out, But this won’t let me tell kindergarteners about my same-sex love life, but lets straight teachers talk about theirs.

It’s an 80 page confession of verbal child abuse and grooming.

A legitimate teacher already knows how to deal with the question of how to tell K-5 grade students about their personal life.

They DON’T.

You don’t using your personal menage a trois stories as math word problems.

You don’t tell kids how important it is to be trannies by reinventing world history as “LGBTQ… influenced everything“.

You don’t give essay assignments requiring children to publicly discuss their sexuality. If a child chooses to use a personal coming-out story as the basis of an essay…

What if students address aspects of LGBTQ identity in essays for which teachers must provide grades and feedback?

That’s easy. If you are not a pedophile:

  • You check it for spelling.
  • You grade it on grammar.
  • Punctuation.
  • Clarity.

You do not “address aspects of LGBTQ identity” because that is not your fucking job.

Funny thing: Never once in elementary school, high school, or college did I submit a paper or essay that discussed my gender identity. For one, I would have considered that none of the instructor’s bloody business (much less that of the class). Plus, I’m not a fan over oversharing; TMI, folks.

Most of all… I was never given a writing assignment for which such would have been “appropriate” in the first place.

Your job is to teach basic skills: reading, writing, math. To impart basic facts (not your opinions). To the extent that it is your job to teach one how to be a better person or citizen, you should be teaching how to gather, analyze, and evaluate facts.

It is not your goddamned job to “teach” feelz or rightthink.

When sane people read this lawsuit filing, I strongly suspect some will wish HB 1557 went beyond allowing parents to file complaints, and start shooting predatory teachers.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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