BS Headline

I saw this headline and knew there was about a 98% chance it was wrong.

New Hampshire hiker dies of injuries after high-risk snow rescue, officials say
A New Hampshire hiker, who ran into severe weather and texted his wife he would die without help, has succumbed to his injuries after rescuers located him on a mountainous trail in a hypothermic state Saturday night, authorities said.

I lived in New Hampshire for several years, so I kept reading for what I knew I’d find.

The hiker, later identified as 53-year-old Xi Chen, of Andover, Massachusetts

Yep. Not a New Hampshire hiker. Those lost and injured winter hikers needing rescue were almost always from out-of-state. This part is fairly typical, too.

Officials said that multiple other hikers ignored the forecasted weather conditions and instead of turning back or bailing to safer elevations, they pressed on and ultimately called 911 expecting a rescue.

Ignoring forecasts, insufficient gear, no food or water, At least this guy was in an area that has cell coverage. A lot of city folk are shocked to discover no signal in the mountains.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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