“Uh… Just Kidding, Guys”

As usual, a lefty moron failed to consider consequences.

“F*ck America!” – Washed Up Green Day Singer Says He’s Renouncing His US Citizenship Because of Supreme Court Decision on Roe v Wade
“F*ck America. I’m f*cking renouncing my citizenship. I’m f*cking coming here,’ Armstrong shouted to a London crowd Friday night.

“There’s just too much f*cking stupid in the world to go back to that miserable f*cking excuse for a country!” the 50-year-old shouted.

Armstrong continued, “Oh, I’m not kidding, you’re going to get a lot of me in the coming days.”

It’s a good thing — for him — that he’s not coming back here. He’d run into just a little trouble at Customs. And I wonder if he filed his IRS form 8854 yet. He might find that part somewhat expensive.

Damned fool. America has problems. But I’m not bailing out; I’d rather fix what I can. Of course, this idiot just fixed one small problem for me.

He won’t be missed ’round here.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

One thought on ““Uh… Just Kidding, Guys””

  1. I aint running like a coward feom my country like The Illegal Aliens !
    I hate them for being COWARDS!
    I despise them for being mooches.

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