What’s Missing?

I woke up this morning to news of another “mass shooting” (parentheses because the definition is ever-changing).


ABC: “…the 43-year-old suspect…”

CNN: “The gunman was a 43-year-old man…”

NBC” “The suspect, a 43-year-old man…”

The actual description from the police:

The suspect is a Black male, shorter in stature, red shoes, jean jacket, wearing a baseball cap that is navy with a lighter brim.

To their… almost… credit, CBS has a slightly more complete description than other major news sites:

Officials had previously described the suspect as a Black male, short, wearing red shoes, a jean jacket and ball cap, and released photos of the suspect.

“Amost;” because they buried that 11 paragraphs down in the story. After giving this description: “…a 43-year-old with no known affiliation with the school…”

You might say that, since the killer is dead now, his complete description no longer matters. But I’m looking at stories that were published before he was found, and merely updated. They never gave the complete description even when he was on the loose.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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