TZP Column: Baldwin Gun Modified?

Given the FBI’s testing of the murder manslaughter weapon, this claim seems awfully dubious. And unnamed sources again…

This claim comes via the not-so-reliable LA Times.

The replica of the vintage weapon — a Colt .45 revolver — had been modified , increasing the odds that the gun might have misfired, as Baldwin has said, according to the sources.

Methinks someone neglected to read the FBI forensic report on the testing of the gun. Here’s is the relevant portion (page 6).

TL;DR: They tried to force it to fire without pulling the trigger by pounding on the hammer with a mallet 1) with the hammer down, 2) at quarter cock, 3) at half cock, and 4) at full cock. The only detonation occurred in the full cock position…

…when they pounded the hammer so hard that the sear sheered.
[Read more]


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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