And they’re refusing to give it to the auditors.
In his interview with OAN Ken Bennett said Dominion is refusing to comply with the State Senate’s subpoena and is hiding the second password for their machines.
Anyone familiar with AZ law on refusing to comply with a Senate subpoena? Seems like a crime to me. Let me do a little searching…
Added: There it is.
41-1154. Disobedience of legislative subpoena or refusal to give testimony or produce papers; violation; classification
A person who, being subpoenaed to attend as a witness before either house of the legislature or any committee thereof, knowingly fails or refuses without lawful excuse to attend pursuant to such subpoena, or being present knowingly refuses to be sworn or to answer any material or proper question, or to produce, upon ON reasonable notice, any material and relevant books, papers or documents in his THE PERSON’S possession or under his THE PERSON’S control, is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor AND IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER FINE AUTHORIZED BY LAW, THE COURT MAY IMPOSE A FINE OF $1,000 PER DAY.
13-707. Misdemeanors; sentencing
A. A sentence of imprisonment for a misdemeanor shall be for a definite term to be served other than a place within custody of the state department of corrections. The court shall fix the term of imprisonment within the following maximum limitations:
1. For a class 1 misdemeanor, six months.
2. For a class 2 misdemeanor, four months.
3. For a class 3 misdemeanor, thirty days.
The lawyers should have expensive fun arguing this one.
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