Peter Grant: The deliberate destruction of the rule of law

The Biden Administration and the CDC just told the Supreme Court and the Constitution to fuck off. Gun owners are used to that in regards to the Second Amendment, so this was no surprise to me. But this is no piecemeal shredding. The re-imposed eviction moratorium ran the Constitution through the cross-cut shredder, into the burn bag, and dumped in the incinerator. I’ve just been trying to get my thoughts in order, to express this best.

But Peter Grant beat me to it. Here are a few highlights, but do read the whole thing

The deliberate destruction of the rule of law
A lot of people don’t seem to understand the real implications of the CDC’s issuing a new moratorium to prevent eviction of tenants for non-payment of rent.

First, this was specifically stated by the Supreme Court to be beyond the CDC’s powers. Effectively, the CDC raised a disdainful finger to SCOTUS and said, “To hell with you, and with the constitution, and with the law. We’re going to do as we see fit, and damn anybody who objects.”

Second, this was done with the full backing of the Biden administration and the liberal, progressive wing of US politics. They did so quite deliberately, because it offers them a new lever to derail America as we know it.


The progressive left had previously gotten away with murder, metaphorically speaking, by stealing last year’s election: but they had not yet demonstrated such open contempt for the Supreme Court and the Constitution. They at least tried to maintain the fig-leaf, the veneer, of legality. They are no longer doing so – and they won’t stop there. They’ll build on that “success” by doing it again, and again, and again.

Fuck. I did not want to go there. But it looks like we are.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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