In light of recent events, I want to highlight a chapter from my Remedial Practical Civics series, written nearly three and a half years ago.
This was prompted at the time by the unconstitutional, fiat banning of bump-fire stocks. But as the Biden Totalitarian Commie Administration just demonstrated, there no longer is any rule of law. Below are the highlights, but you might want to read it all at the link. Maybe even forward it to the White House.
Remedial Practical Civics 100, Lesson 4: “A hunting we will go!
Congress blows you off when you object; maybe a staffer even uses your contact as an opportunity to practice a little ID theft. Or maybe Congressman Creep will blow you off with a letter totally unrelated to your concern. The powers that be don’t care. We’re just someone for the Coastal Elites to shit on. Even the EPA is cool with that.
But I suspect you’d go to prison for dumping human excrement on NYC.
The courts? We covered that. They aren’t stopping unconstitutional laws.
There is no rule of law on which the people of America can rely. That leaves… what exactly?
[Yes, Delaney? Civil war? Good!
[Honest Americans] can’t count on Athenian popular support because they’ve been demonized for decades. They aren’t organized because they’ve been keeping a low profile. They aren’t concentrated in one small town.
In our hopefully hypothetical scenario, you just reduced at least 40,000,000 people to that same desperate status malum prohibitum. Some might give up immediately. Some might fold when faced with force.
But if just 1% of that 40,000,000 said, “Fuck it, I’m taking some assholes out with me,” you’ve got 400,000 heavily armed noncompliant sons of bitches (HANSOBs) out for blood.
Whose blood? For starters, the ones they see as immediately responsible for the mass violation of their rights. Then the idiot celebrities, media hairsprayheads, and ignorant useful idiots [yes, Emma, David, Delaney] who pushed it.
Then they’ll look around and think, “I’ve got nothing left to lose now. How ’bout that mother-effer in the Zoning Department who made me tear down my deck after I spent ten grand on it?”
Or county weasels spending millions of dollars on an unapproved spaceport. Or the principal who threw your kid out of school because he got beat up.
Maybe that neighbor who always mows his grass at 11PM on Sunday night. And sprays his clippings on your manicured yard.
Make your own list. Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose, as the lady informed us.
Show of hands, class. How many of you realized that — up until now — it’s been legal for people to own registered machineguns, mortars, artillery, tanks, and even fighter aircraft? And that people do?
Sure, they’re considered militarily obsolete. Explain that to the bureaucratic and political targets of opportunity who pissed off those owners, as they’re taking fire.
Marvin Heemeyer demolished much of a town with a grudge and an home-armored bulldozer. He specifically targeted the mayor and the town hall. He worked alone. One guy.
Multiply by 400,000. Or 40,000,000.
Maybe even 120,000,000 fresh felons. With nothing left to lose. Go, Janice!
No. We wouldn’t have a civil war. The victim disarming cowards should be so lucky. That would controlled, coordinated, focused. The goal would be restoring a constitutional republic. (The reality might well differ. Civil war is not something I recommend.)
What you “repeal the Second Amendment and take all the guns” types are doing is declaring an open hunting season.
On yourselves.
Tonight, you get to choose your homework assignments. The options are:
1. Think about what you’ve wrought, and the consequences. Especially to yourselves. Consider your own little email/phone call campaign to tell your Moms and socialist politicians to reconsider this course of action. Fill sand bags, just in case.
2. Revel in what you’ve wrought. Start sharpening blades and stuffing magazines… Oh. Right. You’re the helpless disarmed-by-choice. Sucks to be you. Maybe you should buy ballistic vests. And sand bags. Stuff those plastic backpacks with books!
Pleasant thought, eh?
And they thought a few hundred unruly Trump supporters at the Capitol almost overthrew the government. How much damage can a few isolated lone wolves do though? Here’s something I wrote six and a half years ago. Follow the link, because there are frighteningly enlightening links in the original. But, highlights
Two separated pairs of people, most seemingly with no or minimal training (guessing; based on unreliable muddia reports, one brother may have gotten some training in Yemen) are tying up roughly 90,000 allegedly trained, and well-armed, troops. a 1:22,500 ratio in manpower alone. Asymmetric warfare rules.
Four. For a few days.
There are probably at least 100 million gun owners in America.
Have a nice day.
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