Screw You, Brodeur

Florida state senator Jason Brodeur has filed an interesting bill: Florida SB 1316.

requiring bloggers to register with the Office of Legislative Services or the Commission on Ethics, as applicable, within a specified timeframe; requiring such bloggers to file monthly reports with the appropriate office by a certain date;
in the context of a blog post about a member of the Legislature, the Office of Legislative Services or, in the context of a blog post about a member of the executive branch, the Commission on Ethics, as applicable.

Yep, if you blog about any Florida legislator, the governor, or… say Brodeur, you’d have to register with the state and file monthly reports. I could go on extensively about the US Constitution First Amendment issues, or the Florida constitution

problems, but I think I can sum it up more briefly.

Fuck you, Brodeur.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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